Every once in a blue moon, I drive by the house I owned from 2001 to 2013. My favorite part of that house was that I ripped out a lot of sod and put in all kinds of raised bed gardens all around it and a bunch of butterfly bushes along the perimeter. The last time I drove by, I saw that they had taken out all the raised beds and put back sod. It made me really sad. The butterfly bushes were also gone. The craziest thing though, was that I had also painted a bunch of wine bottles just for fun and put them on metal stakes in the landscaping right around the house. Totally cheap art. The gardens were gone, but the wine bottles, faded somewhat by the sun, were still there.

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I love that story, Karen! You captured the bittersweetness of it all.

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Jeanne, that's powerful medicine going back to the place you once lived and that was so pivotal in your life.

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"Powerful medicine" ... I like that, Paul! Indeed it is. Thank you for reading and commenting.

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